Save tigers ...........there are only 1411 tigers are left on earth
we can build many industries and town ship in forests ,our economy will emerged by digging minerals from forests
and this is our present situation..............................................
once go a few years back i mean go back for a million of years there are different kind of animals living on earth there are tigers ,elephants,crocodiles,etc......... and many more were lived with same preference like other animals one more animal also lives that is MAN...
For a mother having many children she shows more affection on intelligent child like wise nature show more affection on MAN. She provide food,shelter,water every resource to her children apart from that she give the capacity of thinking, its a gift to man,later it became a curse to mother nature .
MAN became more and more intelligent he got to know how to utilize the resources he invented the fire at the moment nature might not expect that the same fire will burnt her in future .... this is how happening the growth of the MANKIND and destroy of the NATURE...
After a long time now we are realizing tigers all less in number we have to protect them ..... we have to protect not only tigers ....we have to protect each and every animal on the planet ,they have equal right to share.... to live.... to survive.....
as earlier i have told you that tiger will kill me it will kill other animal when it was hungry not every time but man is an optimist .... he live in optimism he wont stop any thing for anything .... its not good for all time now it showing its affect ......
we are too late to react ....
we should have to think before industrial revolution , what does it leads to .... when we think both advantages and disadvantages before moving on to any action we will get the answer how to overcome the destruction .....
we were all are intelligent fools ,
mother will get angry when we go wrong in direction ,MOTHER NATURE also lost her patience she shows her angry with natural calamities like tsunami.... earth quakes ...floods ...
we deserve it ,we absolutely deserve it,if we didn't do any job properly we should have to quit from it or we have to regret our faults
its already late to regret our faults and our step should be decided by us very quickly
my dear friends ,try to wake up from the deep sleep we feel that we have every thing to live but we forgot the natural resources means we forgot the soul and makeup the body once the soul left the body ..... the body is equal to garbage don't make it to our mother nature
technology is a slow poison improving technology,gaining knowledge is good but it should not destroy our nature
there should be limit to everything ,its my view ,its my comment on present situation ,hope you understood it rise your hands to protect our nature ,nature will take care of every thing
that's why i am saying that i wont protect tigers i will protect nature .......
@pictures used in this blog were not my own i don't have any copyrights
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